Dawid Kruiper Municipality
Munisipaliteit Dawid Kruiper


Community Service

                                                                                                              Mr MG Bovu

                                                                                                       Director Community Services

Manage and ensure the smooth operations of the sections listed here under.


054-338 7047/48

Faks : 054 3311857

These Sub-Directorates and their functions are:

Community Services


  • – The Parks section is responsible for the development andmaintanance of the municipal parks, swimming pools, sports grounds and cemetaries.
  • The section cuts trees in the municipal area and also cuts the trees of the indegent households which fall under what the municipal policy prescribes.
  • The Parks section is also responsible formaking stadiums, swimming pools, festival areas, the swimming pool hall available at a fee to the public.
  • They are also responsible for selling grave sites to the public.

Tel: (054) 338 7055

Email addtesses: Willem.brand@dkm.gov.za  and magodongo@dkm.gov.za

  • To Promote Road safety- attend incidents like accidents, to execute process papers (lawsuits), attend complaints.

 Office telephone numbers: 054 338 7424/3/1

Email: mary.martin@dkm.gov.za

email: patricia.jobela@dkm.gov.za

  • Technical section: Erect and maintain Road signage’s and maintenance of road marks.

Office telephone numbers: 054 338 7424

  •  MVR section- Registration/licencing of Motor vehicles, vehicle roadworthiness, Test (Examinations) and issuing of learners and drivers licences.

 Office telephone numbers: 054 338 7130/1/2/5/6

  • The main function of the fire department is to prevent fires and to protect life and property should a fire occur and also to ensure that communities in our jurisdiction adhere to the bylaws that regulate the safe storage and transportation of dangerous goods


  • Types of rescues include:

Fire rescue

Vehicle rescue 

Water rescue


Dangerous Goods spillages

  • According to SANS 10090 (community protection against fire) local Authorities are category in terms of the fire risk in their jurisdiction.

  • How prepared are you to perform a fire and rescue service?

Agreements.—(1) Subject to any condition contemplated in section 11

(2) (a) a controlling authority may, with a view to the more efficient

employment of its service, conclude a written agreement— Authorities or person

Dawid Kruiper fire department have  such agreements with ACSA and EMS 


Contact Persons:

Chief Fire Officer: Lawrence L. Fennie

Assistant Chief Fire Officer: Aaron C.Z. Links 

Email address:



Control room

054 338 7400/7411  / 054 332 4526


054 338 7410


Dawid Kruiper Library Service consists of ten libraries under the management of the municipality:

Main library


Paballelo –






Loubos and

Welkom library


  • The main objectives of the Library Service are:

To create a culture of reading

To improve the library service to the communities in the rural areas

To improve the literacy level of communities

To improve the library facilities available to the communities

 To improve the computer skills of the communities

Services of the Libraries

  • To circulate library material to members of the library
  • To avail study space for learners/students
  • To assist learners with their school projects
  • To assist UNISA students (receive their study books from UNISA library and sent it back to UNISA library)
  • To make photocopies (Tariffs apply)
  • Library orientation for learners (By appointment)
  • Story telling hours (by appointment)
  • Special outreach projects
  • Corner for Visually impaired persons (Rosedale library)
  • Free Internet in the 4 Libraries in town (Tariff for Print Out)
  • Use of computers (Tariff for Print Out)

Senior Librarian Ina Engelbrecht

Contact number (054) 338 7166

Email: jacoba.engelbrecht@dkm.gov.za

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