Dawid Kruiper Municipality
Munisipaliteit Dawid Kruiper



Compilation of an all-inclusive Spatial Development Framework (SDF) and Land Use Management System (Zoning Scheme, Land Development Procedures and Regulations - LUMS) for the newly established Dawid Kruiper Municipality. Read the full notice


Herewith Dawid Kruiper Municipality wish to invite all our current and new suppliers to register on the National Treasury Central Supplier Database (CSD). Suppliers will no longer be registered at the municipality and are requested to self-register directly on the CSD by accessing the National Treasury website at www.secure.csd.gov.za

Latest News

Demarcation Meeting held with Mier- and //Khara Hais Municipality


The Minister for Local Government, Mr Pravin Gordhan, requested the Municipal Demarcation Board (MDB) to determine or re-determine certain municipalities before the 2016 Local Government Elections. The municipality of Mier was one of these municipalities that had to be evaluated. It was concluded that Mier Municipality should be merged with //Khara Hais Municipality to address the problems in Mier. The meeting held was to get input from the public about the issue of Demarcation involving Mier- and //Khara Hais Municipality as well as raising any clarity questions they might have.

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Should Council Sell Die Eiland Holiday Resort?


//Khara Hais Municipality would like to get the opinion of the community regarding the selling of Die Eiland Holiday Resort, so that Council can get an idea about how the public feel about this matter.

Die Eiland is a non-core function, and therefore does not belong to a municipality. It was established several decades ago, providing accommodation to visitors and tourists before private resorts and especially guest houses got their existence in Upington. The Tourism environment has thus become much more competitive with a wider choice of accommodation facilities. That is the main reason why the facilities at Die Eiland Holiday Resort is no more in a good condition. The number of the visitors decreased as well as the income from the resort. If the sale would realise, the workers of Die Eiland Holiday Resort will be absorbed into the municipality.
The public can submit their comments by email on or before 20 May 2015 to: communications@kharahais.gov.za or on our website poll. You can also write to the Municipal Manager.
Mr. DE Ngxanga
Civic Centre
Mutual Street
Private Bag x6003

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Bona Batho / Kyk Ons Mense – (Planned Emergency) Exercise


On Friday 10 April at around 12h14, an emergency exercise (Riots & Motor Vehicle Accident) was held in Progress, at the corner of Upington 26 & Strokroos Streets by //Khara Hais Municipal Departments and its external role players.
The name of the Exercise was “BONA BATHO / KYK ONS MENSE”. These were a real reflection of the exercise name, because road users and community members did not adhere to the National Road Traffic Act and Gatherings Act, or neither bothered to practice safety.
Road users did not reduce their speed while seeing their vision were obstructed by smoke from burning tires. Community members saw the riot and accident, but still put their lives at risk by entering the hot zone (got close to accident scene) before it were cordoned off by SAPD officials on their arrival.


Objective of the exercise:

To empower our community members and all role players (Disciplines) to be more resilient and aware of the different dangers (incidents) that we can found ourselves in when facing real situations and to test the response of different role players.

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MEC for COGHSTA Northern Cape addressed //Khara Hais Officials


The Municipal workers of //Khara Hais Municipality were privileged with a visit from the MEC of Coghsta, Mr Alvin Botes on 31 March 2015, at the Michael Bongela Community Hall. The MEC focused on the key performance areas for the Back-to -Basic approach.

Basic Services – Creating Living Conditions, Good Governance, Public Participation, Financial Management and Institutional Capacity.

MEC Botes also emphasised the harmonising relationship between Municipal Management and the Unions (SAMWU and IMATU). He said that //Khara Hais Municipality is in very good hands under the leadership of the Mayor, Speaker and the Municipal Manager.

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Water Meters installed in Louisvaleweg, Paballelo and Rosedale

(Front left) Cllr Basson, Speaker and (front left) Cllr Koloi, Mayor of //Khara Hais municipality with the Contractor, Mr BekeBeke (blue hard hat) with the beneficiary (right) and Mr Du Plessis from //Khara Hais municipality.

//Khara Hais Municipality recently launched a SOD for the installation of Water Meters. this project is registered as a MIG Project, where about 2407 water meters were purchased for an amount of R5 200.00. Of these water meters, 1447 was already installed by Council. It was decided that the remaining 1260 meters be installed through a tender process, and was divided as follows:

Rosedale: 640 meters

Paballelo: 564 meters

Louisvaleweg: 56 meters

The Council of //Khara Hais municipality is responsible for the financing of the project. This project was awarded to God Property Security Services.

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